Alltwalis wind farm

联合王国 / 风力发电 / Power plant

Alltwalis wind farm is located near the Brechfa Forest to the north of Carmarthen, South Wales.

  • 2009
    Entered into operation
  • 23 MW
    Installed capacity
  • 60.8、妇女
    Annual production

The wind farm has been operational since 2009 and consists of 10 turbines with a total capacity of 23 MW, producing electricity equivalent to the needs of approximately 16,500 homes with renewable energy (BEIS - 3,781 kWh per home).

Alltwalis Wind Farm provides a community benefit fund worth over £90,000 per year. The projects that receive funding create a vibrant community, and focus on community improvement, 教育, outdoor activities and sustainability.


The Alltwalis wind farm
The Alltwalis wind farm. (Photo: 十大最好的网赌平台)
公司 Ownership share
十大最好的网赌平台 51%

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